the wedding industry's #1 business conference

The Wedding Pro CEO Summit

June 2 - 5, 2025 | Cherry Creek, CO

where industry leaders and established wedding professionals gather to share insights, strategies, and inspiration. .

The Wedding Pro CEO Summit 2025
is a one-of-a-kind educational conference designed specifically
for established wedding industry business owners. 

After 3 full days of high-impact learning and authentic inter-industry connecting, you’ll leave feeling inspired, educated, and empowered like never before.



You didn’t start your own business to work yourself to death. 

But it’s happening anyway. You’re working nights and weekends, running the hamster wheel that never stops. When it comes to your business, you know what you know really well, but it’s what you don’t know that keeps you awake at night:

  • Should I be diversifying my income? – And how do I even find the time?! 
  • Is booking new leads this hard for everyone? Where does everyone else find them? 
  • Why do I have to keep defending my prices? I’m barely making enough to break even, but so many leads act like I charge too much!
  • How can I build a team when I have to do everything myself?

Truthfully, your “to-learn” list is longer than your downtime, and you HATE how much time you spend on your phone when you would rather be relaxing with your family.

You’re overworked, overwhelmed, and (if we’re being honest) underpaid – but you’re also in the right place.

I need this!

Good News...

There may be a lot that you still don’t know, but you don’t have to figure it out on your own. With WPCEO, you’ll learn how to ditch the burnout and step into your role as CEO.

What To Expect From Your Time At WPCEO

The draw of higher learning has always been more than what is found in a book. Here are 5 key features that make the Wedding Pro CEO Summit 2025 unlike any other wedding industry conference.

01. The High-Impact Classes

a healthy mix of keynotes + workshops in your field of study

The WPCEO 2025 Summit will focus on 4 core subjects crucial to building and scaling a profitable wedding business. We’ll have a mix of keynote discussions, interactive workshops, and office hours focused on these core subjects.

When you enroll, you’ll get to learn from a range of experts hand-picked to take your business to the next level in that area of growth.

02. The Collaborative Study Halls

to discuss topics, share ideas, and put what you’ve learned to Hands-on learning

Often, after a conference, going back home and into the thick of it means shoving your notebook full of new ideas into a drawer and forgetting it. But we didn’t want to give you tons of tangible tips to move your business forward, just to let real life get in the way!
With study halls added to our daily agenda, you get pre-scheduled time to gather with other attendees and speakers to implement what you are learning in real time. Now you can start putting what you learn to work before you even go home!

03. The Intentional Office Hours

with speakers and educators who have done what you’re trying to do

Our speakers and educators are all leaders who care. Checking their egos at the door, these exceptional industry leaders are honest and real. With such humble intentionality in mind, they will also be making themselves available to chat with attendees via “office hours.”

In these short sessions, you can meet 1:1 with the experts leading the main sessions and workshops, pick their brains, and ask them your most pressing questions.

04. The Curated Swag

a little bit of happy, hand-picked for the wedding pro

From snacks to books to jewelry, anything can make its way into these swag bags – but we’re not telling just yet! We like to keep the goodies a surprise. Curated specifically for the wedding business owner, these swag bags are a hit year after year.

05. The Unmatched Experience

authentically connect with a transparent community of CEOs

The late-night chats in the lobby will always be my favorite.

As an intimate conference, we hold space for vulnerability. For perhaps the first time in a long time, you’ll be able to relax and be truly transparent. I promise that being around other business owners in a similar stage of business as you (or even just ahead of you) will suddenly make the CEO life seem a little less lonely.

More often than not – the people you meet become your lifelong business friends and accountability partners.

I'm In

What a life-giving time. 

I think at a lot of educational and networking events, walls go up. You want to look successful, you want to hold your own, you want to be a contender in the mad rush to make connections. This was different.

We were asked to throw all of that nonsense in the trash – and we did. The summit set such a pure tone of safety. There was not a drop of judgment in this place. Friendships were formed, and you know what I freaking loved? There was no fake networking. It was replaced entirely with vulnerability and genuinely helping each other.”

Cayla Cummings
Carhart Photography

We were asked to throw all of that nonsense in the trash – and we did. The summit set such a pure tone of safety. There was not a drop of judgment in this place. Friendships were formed, and you know what I freaking loved? There was no fake networking. It was replaced entirely with vulnerability and genuinely helping each other.”

I think at a lot of educational and networking events, walls go up. You want to look successful, you want to hold your own, you want to be a contender in the mad rush to make connections. This was different.

The Wedding Pro CEO Summit 2025

A wedding industry conference specifically designed for wedding business owners. who want to elevate their brands. 

The WPCEO Summit 25, which will be held in Denver, CO  from June 2-5, 2025, includes:

  • 3 full days designed to inspire, educate, and empower you like never before
  • Keynote discussions, interactive workshops, and invaluable networking opportunities to take your growth to the next level
  • An authentic and transparent community of CEOs who will build you up and keep you accountable to your goals
  • Intentional and intimate networking opportunities with industry leaders
  • Breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and beverages throughout the summit
  • Swag (who doesn't love swag??)

SIGN ME UP already

Past Speakers


Sara Dunn

Whitney Hodges & Daniela Justus

Tanisha Lee


Systems + tech



Michelle Taylor 




brandee gaar

Susan Southerland

Corporate Events

ceo strategy



Twah Dougherty




Erinn Bridgman

Jessica Caudill

Tirzah Caffee


Jade robinson

Team Development

Kenda Laney


How is The Wedding Pro CEO Summit different from other wedding industry conferences? We love this question. Here are 3 of our favorite ways…


It’s education-centered.

This event is 100% about education and community. There are no style guides, no themed parties, no elaborate events. Just a real, authentic community and a real, actionable education. Because, at the end of the day, our goal is to help YOU build a profitable business that doesn’t require your 24/7 oversight.


There’s no fake networking. 

Our goal with each summit is to set a tone of pure safety from the beginning. This is a judgment-free zone because when you don’t have to put on your “persona,” you can begin to form real, authentic friendships with others who get it. Once the need for “fake networking” is abandoned, we’ve found that it is replaced with vulnerability and genuine help from one business owner to another.


We keep it intentionally intimate.

In holding the vulnerable nature of a small group environment, you'll be assigned to an ambassador group composed of 8-10 other attendees in a similar stage of business. Led by one of the event’s speakers, your group will meet to discuss topics, share ideas, provide best practices, and more. We’ve found that by placing you in a much smaller setting, sharing can happen more freely. As a cool bonus, the people you’re grouped with often become your new business friends, supporting you and keeping you accountable to your goals long after the summit ends.

If you’ve been dying to ask…

“After attending, my only regret is not having this summit in my life from day 1 as a business owner.”

We've all attended workshops or conferences where ego stands out more than education – this isn't like that.

This is the education I have been looking for for ten years! From SEO to business finance to branding to social media strategies to serving luxury clients - every single piece of information was presented in tangible, actionable ways that EVERY SINGLE HUMAN who owns a business could not just benefit from, but THRIVE with. If you are in any phase as a wedding professional and want to level up (or just get started on the right foot) - this summit is your ESSENTIAL guide. 

THIS is the conference you've been looking for, and quite possibly the very best investment back into your business you will ever make."

Rachel Osborn
Rachel Osborn Photography

The Halcyon Hotel
Cherry Creek

For the true CEO experience, we scoured high and low for a venue rich in both luxury and comfort – one that would provide the perfect aesthetic for higher learning. We found the ideal fit in

Halcyon Hotel offers a luxurious and sophisticated retreat providing both comfort and style. This upscale hotel blends urban elegance with the charm of a boutique establishment, creating a unique haven for guests.

Nestled just minutes from downtown Denver, Cherry Creek
offers an unparalleled blend of urban excitement and suburban tranquility.


sign me up

The “Pass It On” Cancellation Policy

Due to the numerous upfront costs that come with booking such a conference, no refunds can be provided for tickets purchased. In the event of an emergency, however, your tickets can be transferred to another hopeful attendee.


Pick Your Payment Pathway 

Your Wedding Pro CEO Summit ticket will include:
  • All sessions M-W
  • Welcome party
  • Swag bags
  • Breakfast and lunch on full-session days
  • Dinner on Wednesday
  • Farewell breakfast on Thursday
  • Actionable education
  • Invaluable industry connections

I'm in!

1 Payment of $3500 

Sign me up

I'm in!

10 Payments of $300

Sign me up

*payment plans available

*after $500 initial payment

Is this just for planners?

No! The summit is for DJs, planners, florists, photographers, stationers, videographers, venues, creative goods and more! If you own a business in the wedding industry or you are a creative who serves the wedding industry, this event will help you grow your revenue and scale your profit!

Is there a host hotel?

We have a room block with a special discounted rate and we HIGHLY encourage you to stay there because it can increase the value of the event SO MUCH for you! Over the years of holding this event, we’ve learned that the majority of organic networking happens at the bars, in the hallways, and while simply hanging out in the lobby late at night. In fact, those late-night lobby talks are one of my favorite things about this event!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring a guest?

Yes! While the content is highly focused on OWNING a business, we have a few CEOs that also bring their right hand employee and find it super beneficial.

Looking to bring a guest just for fun? (Like a spouse)? We offer a social ticket as well so they can join you for meals and networking. Shoot us an email after you purchase your ticket and we can get that for you.

What if I need to cancel?

You can pass your ticket on! Your summit ticket is non-refundable but may be transferred or sold if needed. We just ask that you let us know by email so that we can have correct names of attendees on site.

Still On The Fence?

I want to help you make the right decision for YOU. If you have a specific question about whether the Wedding Pro CEO University Summit is right for you or if you’d just like more information, send me an email by clicking the button below.

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Hey there!


your business bestie + mentor + coach + cheerleader for wedding professionals and creative entrepreneurs


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